Online Release Tonight at 9pm: 8 High Contrast Kawakami Goshiki Nisai

Kawakami is one of the masters of Goshiki, located in Niigata, Japan. His Goshiki are well known for developing the highly desirable kuro (dark) style of robing which contrasts well against their beni and bright white skin.

We are really pleased to have these selected nisai, and to be able to off them to you at just £195 each.

You may remember these Goshiki from our announcements in early April (  They completed quarantine yesterday, and are now in the sales room and available to purchase.

They are being released online tonight, at 9pm

From 9pm tonight night (17th May), you can view all the new koi on our individual premium koi for sale page, here:

The link sorts the newest koi at the top, for your convenience.


For preview video and pictures, please see below: