Japanese Nisai Goshiki From Kawakami: In Quarantine, And Available To Order

More Japanese koi news, and this time, Goshiki!

These nisai are 25-30cm, and priced at £195.

They've arrived and will spend the next 6-8 weeks in quarantine.  However, if you see one you need to acquire... we can help with that!  We are happy to take orders now, with collection or delivery to be arranged post quarantine.

Kawakami is one of the masters of this variety, and we have 15 Goshiki available for you to select from which also includes one Gin Rin Goshiki.

Here's a video of the koi:

And, to order....  identify the koi you'd like from the reference numbers below:


Then contact us (https://www.byerkoifarm.co.uk/pages/contact-us) to order.  Simple!  We'll respond with an express checkout link for you to place your order.