Online release at 8pm tonight: Kohaku and Sanke tosai from Marudo

We are embarking on a new adventure, augmenting Japanese koi with our own to fill some gaps in varieties we didn't breed last year so that we can maintain the top levels of customer service.

Tonight, we're able to make an small start, as we got ahead over the winter with quarantining the first stocks and have Marudo and Shinoda tosai available now in the sales room... and we're releasing some selected examples from Marudo tonight online, most priced at £50 each, with a few at £75.

Future releases will become available for a wider range of budgets including Maruyama and Tamaura Kohaku's , and also we'll load some of the Shinoda Hi Utsuri onto the website soon.  We will also be releasing older larger koi from our stocks too - more on that later this week.

For now, we hope you enjoy this initial step, and the online release of selected Marudo tosai with some great patterns and excellent grow on potential.

At 8pm tonight, you will find these new Japanese koi on the website here:

Japanese koi:

Or, you can view them on our individual premium koi for sale page, here:

The link sorts the newest koi at the top, for your convenience. 

Please see the preview bowl below: 

If  you've not already read our key note strategy update, you can find it here  (