Nisai 2022 Cataloguing Day 1

The nisai we produce at Byer Koi Farm are the very best koi bred at the farm the previous year.  They've completed their second summer of growing, and their age is between 12 and 16 months old depending on how early or late in the season they were spawned the previous year.

These koi have been kept in the best tanks, heated all winter to enable them to continue growing even when it's snowing!  And, some of these koi have also been in the fast lane and fed the on what is probably the best koi food, which is Saki Hikari (

Some of the Showa from our MGS and LMC lines were featured at tosai in issue 1 of the World Of Nishikigoi magazine (    And Liam of World Of Nishikigoi joined us yesterday for the first of our days cataloging the new nisai, to take update pictures of those Showa for the second part of the article.  And while he was with us, he helped us photograph all the koi catalogued that day too, which was much appreciated!

Here are a few iPhone pics from the day to help share with you some of the excitement we felt through the day reviewing some of the best koi produced on the farm, and also to give you a preview of what's coming available this weekend. (Preview video of Adam Byer Koi Farm's nisai 2022 release:

Liam of World Of Nishikigoi photographing koi at Adam Byer Koi Farm 

Here's Liam of World of Nishikigoi (blog and magazine), helping us yesterday to photograph our nisai harvest koi.

a Nisai koi at Adam Byer Koi Farm

One of the stand out Showa's at tosai, and improved as a nisai.

a Nisai koi at Adam Byer Koi Farm

Our Shiro line is producing some very attractive koi


a Nisai koi at Adam Byer Koi Farm

Another great showa from our LMC showa line

a Nisai koi at Adam Byer Koi Farm

Plenty of great showa's in this nisai release

a Nisai koi at Adam Byer Koi Farm

And also kujaku's which have great metallic lustre, and clean heads.  This is possibly the best one, although there are several others that are in the mix for that ranking too!

For a a series of video shorts , please see our video here: