Choice Showa picks 14th June 2022
We netted the online koi for sale tank in our sales room today for speed in packaging up today's shipments. And before we put all the koi back, I couldn't help pause on a few that caught my eye.
A few quick pictures later, and here are some choice picks from the online koi for sale today with a few thoughts. Also, very interesting to compare these pictures taken today against the pictures taken back in March of these koi when we put them online.
Find them on our koi for sale page here:
I had to do a double take looking at the Showa tonight; the beni development since we took the photos back in March for the online koi for sale page on the website, is striking! It lifts this showa to another level. Sumi placement looks promising too.
Lots of potential with this showa; the sumi either on the left side or the right side, and offset along the body. A great development project.
Striking beni on the head; striking sumi on the body, and with some on the head too; linking the head pattern to the body pattern.
Kindai style showa, with the sumi developing on the white ground adding a touch of finesse to this one.
Kindai style showa, with a weaving sumi pattern developing
Sumi striking through the head pattern, likely to form lightening style menware. Sumi developing on the white ground on the koi's right hand side, about half way down the length of the body. Very interesting showa for development.
Button nose Showa!
A kindai style showa with great motoguru.
Check out the menware (head sumi pattern) developing on this Showa.
Another picture of this showa; Look at the interlocking sumi pattern across the centre of this showa, criss crossing from it's left side to it's right side in front of the dorsal find. Plus great motoguru!
A great kindai style showa.
Sumi is developing really well on this Shiro Utsuri.