poly-tunnel complete!

The guys came early this morning to take advantage of the dry, still conditions. And by 8.30am the polytunnel had a cover! They spent the rest of the day on finishing touches like stretching the cover and hanging the doors. They put in a long day and the polytunnel is now complete.

I filled the Oval 1 tank up a few days ago and the water level has remained stable, so no leaks :-)

That means it's time to get the thing running, so this evening I've plumbed in the filtration and I'm running some tests on it overnight.

What a relief to be working under cover this evening! No wind or rain to worry about.

Here are a few pictures from the day:

John's attaching the aluminium base rail

The plastic is pulled over the tunnel now, and Mark Davis is coordinating the work
John and Lee clamp the plastic in the base rail by trapping the plastic between the base rail and a plastic insert.. It's a two person job, with one holding the base rail stable and the other pushing the insert home.

Working on the door frame.
The stretched plastic covering in it's final position. It's almost finished, and smiles all round
Jjust the doors to hang. The area just past the tank in this picture is where I will erect two large show vats to carry out the spawnings.