New tosai on the website plus auction deals
We've been updating the koi for sale page on the website over the last week, with over 40 new koi that we have catalogued and loaded onto the individual koi for sale page on the website ( Prices start at £50 and go up to £145.
Here are some of the choice pics from these updates:
Many of the koi photographed back in the spring and that were still on the website last week, have changed significantly, and so we've taken those off line with a view to re measuring and re photographing and then getting them back online when we get a chance. These are also looking great and are available if you visit. Here's a video of some of them:
The main priority this week coming in terms of cataloguing is the new harvest of nisai. We are starting the work tomorrow, and I expect it will take 2 to 3 days. The other big project this week coming is shipping out the round 3 fry, and also second selection on rounds 1 and 2 fry.
So, lots going on as usual!
On a side, we have listed 11 koi auctions on eBay, which are definitely worth a look and there are great bargain opportunities there: