Have your say ! What new variety ? And how can we improve your experience?
Here's a picture of our females tank yesterday morning. Icy cold, with moisture on the polytunnels plastic frozen... and the females looking for food :-)

The question is... what new varieties should we be adding brood stock for into our females pond?
This is a chance for you to have your say!
Adam is travelling to Japan soon to purchase some new brood stock, and we'd love to hear from you... our customers...on what new variety or varieties you would like us to add to our repertoire and breed !
To place your request, please follow this link:
There's also a space for you to leave any general feedback too; anything you would like us to start doing, or do better to improve your experience.
We look forward to receiving your forms!
We will leave the form open to collect responses for a week; today is Thursday 19th January, so the form will be closing on Wednesday 25th January '23.