Early summer kohaku spawning - pre winter selection

I've been growing on around 100 out of the 20,000 early summer kohaku harvest, and I wanted to give them another little thinning out to get provide the best growing on conditions to the best few.

It took a while, and I'll update you more when I get more time to blog - but in short, I've hung on to around 60 and the big news is - growth is better than I could have hoped for.

The largest two are 29cm! I had to do a double take on the measuring strip.

My best one is 27cm - and at the end of September it was around 19cm when I took it to the All England Show. So it's grown 1cm per week since then.

All of sudden, I'm contemplating the possibility that my best few might make it well into the 30's cms by the end of the winter - which sets them up nicely.

Here are a couple of pics in advance of a longer write up

27cm on 15th Nov

25cm on 15th Nov

29cm on 15th Nov. There are two this size, and this has the least bad pattern out of the two. Bit messy, and not as balanced pattern as I would like - but what a grower!

I'd spotted the odd flick in the time I spent in the polytunnel this weekend - and investigating this evening I found some gill flukes. Sods law - as I'm rushing off for a business trip; but got the treatment into all my pond before heading off. That's koi keeping for you!