Setting up to spawn my remaining females

The shiro's didnt spawn; gave them two days, but nothing. It was a long shot, but worth a go and it's useful intel for next year. Onto the next ones - I have the yamabuki and shusui females ready , and I am looking for another female to give me an alternative option too. To prepare for potentially 3 spawnings this weekend, Amanda and I erected another bestway tank this evening.

That gives me a third spawning tank, and - planning for a successful harvest in September, I'll need the extra tank space to take the fry.

It's going to be another busy weekend on the project, and it's fingers crossed time that these next spawnings turned out well. I've put extra time into sterilising the tanks, and preparing the water with aeration rather than chemical dechlorinator. The temperatures are much better for spawning than they were during the week. The females are looking ready. It should all be fine.

The fry ponds are coming on nicely, cycling through the green stage. Just need some newly hatched koi fry to put in them!